In many ways, proper nutrition is going to be similar for men and women, young and old. But there are obvious reasons why important differences will make up what is smart nutrition for one person, as opposed to another. If you are a man attempting to eat smarter so you will look and feel better, be healthier and stronger and live longer, the following top 10 nutrition tips for men will help you accomplish your goals.

1 – Get Some Protein in Every Breakfast

Protein provides fuel. When you eat protein at breakfast, studies show that you will actually consume fewer total calories throughout the day. Healthy protein in eggs, chicken, nuts and seeds or soy products produces healthy hormones and enzymes, and energizes you for the day ahead. It also makes you feel fuller longer, which may be why breakfast protein eaters eat less during the day than those who do not eat protein in the morning.

2 – Do Not Skip Meals

Skipping any meal just tends to lead to overeating during the next meal. It also puts your body on starvation notice, which means you store fat at a higher than healthy rate.

3 – Eat More Frequently

This doesn’t mean you should eat the typical western portion several times a day. It just means that your 2,000 to 2,500 calorie daily intake should be spread across 5 or 6 meals. This can include 3 major meals and 2 or 3 small snacks. Your metabolism is cranked up every time you eat, and you actually process calories better when you ingest them in smaller quantities.

4 – Opt For Herbs and Oils Instead of Salt and Condiments

Salt, ketchup and mayonnaise can it really flavor up a meal. This does not necessarily mean they are healthy for you, simply because they taste great. Replace mayonnaise and ketchup with olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and other healthy oils and juices. Kick deadly salt to the curb, and replace it with healthy herbs and spices. Your nutritional profile will certainly appreciate the effort.

5 – Balance Your Plate

Every time you eat a balanced meal, you benefit from proper nutrition. Your body processes each meal as if it were your last. That means it appreciates getting good fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and a sensible amount of calories every time you eat.

6 – Drink Lots of Water

Your body is roughly 60% water. As a man, you are usually going to be larger than a woman, and require more water to properly hydrate your body. How much water should a man drink every day? Double your weight in pounds, and divide by 3. For instance, a 180 pound man using this formula should drink 120 ounces of water each day. The importance of water to proper health and processing of nutrients and waste chemicals can not be overstated.